Answers of Quiz 1622 (DNA Special)

1. On 25 April
2. A molecule that encodes the genetic instructions used in the development & functioning of all known living organisms
3. Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
4. A complex organic substance present in living cells, especiall DNA or RNA
5. In a cell's Nucleus
6. Nucleotide
7. Chromosome
8. An oraganism's complete set of DNA
9. Basic physical & functional unit of heredity
10. A packaged & organized structure containing DNA
11. 46 (23 pairs)
12. Copying of genetic sequences
13. Friendrich Miescher in 1871
14. It was based on X-ray, photographic & chemical analysis of DNA
15. These tests compare the results of an individual to others from the same lineage or to current & historic ethnic group
16. Ribo-Nucleic Acid
17. Its principal role is to act as a messenger carrying instructions from DNA for controlling the synthesis of proteins
18. Genetics
19. Genetic Engineering


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