Answers of Quiz 1619 (World Malaria Day Special)

1. On 25 April
2. Mal = Bad + Area = Air
3. Ague or Marsh Fever
4. Female Mosquito (Anopheles)
5. Plasmodium, commonly known as malaria parasite, is a large genus of parasitic protozoa.
6. Fever, Fatigue, Vomiting & Headaches
7. Mosquito bite through mosquito's saliva into a person's blood
8. Microscopic examination of blood films or by antigen-based rapid diagnostic tests (RDT)
9. Mosquito nets & insect repellents, spraying insecticides & draining standing water
10. Quinine
11. Cinchona
12. P vivax, P malariae, P ovale, P falciparum, P knowlesi
13. Yellow skin, seizures, coma or death
14. Ronald Ross
15. A push for prevention
16. West Nile Virus, Elephantiasis, Dengue Fever, Yellow Fever, Japanese Encephalitis, Zika Virus
17. Baooz


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