Answers of Quiz 1978 (Albert Einstein)
1. On 14 March 1879 in Germany
2. Hermann Einstein
3. Pauline Koch
4. Mileva Maric & Elsa Lowenthal
5. Lieserl, Hans Albert, Eduard Tete
6. University of Zurich
7. Physics, Philosophy
8. Theory of relativity, photoelectric effect, mass-energy equivalence, Theory of Brownian Motion etc.
9. Photon theory
10. In 1921
11. Photoelectric effect
12. 20th
13. Jew
14. (a) True
15. The equation of special relativity shows that the increased relativistic mass (m) of a body comes from the energy of motion of the body-that is, its kinetic energy (E)-divided by the speed of light squared (c2).
16. On 18 April 1955 in US
17. 76 years
18. Nergis Mavalvala & Imran Khan
19. Genius
2. Hermann Einstein
3. Pauline Koch
4. Mileva Maric & Elsa Lowenthal
5. Lieserl, Hans Albert, Eduard Tete
6. University of Zurich
7. Physics, Philosophy
8. Theory of relativity, photoelectric effect, mass-energy equivalence, Theory of Brownian Motion etc.
9. Photon theory
10. In 1921
11. Photoelectric effect
12. 20th
13. Jew
14. (a) True
15. The equation of special relativity shows that the increased relativistic mass (m) of a body comes from the energy of motion of the body-that is, its kinetic energy (E)-divided by the speed of light squared (c2).
16. On 18 April 1955 in US
17. 76 years
18. Nergis Mavalvala & Imran Khan
19. Genius
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