Answers of Quiz 1977 (Syria)

1. On 17 April 1946
2. Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA)
3. Umayyad Caliphate
4. Damascus
5. Western Asia
6. Syrian Pound (SYP)
7. Arabic
8. Islam
9. Lebanon & Mediterranean Sea to West
Turkey to North
Iraq to East
Jordan to South
Israel to Southwest
10. Syrian
11. Aleppo
12. Syrian Arab Republic (SAR)
13. 1 SYP = 0.48 PKR
14. Sham
15. Bashar al-Assad
16. Wael Nader al-Halqi
17. Yes
18. NAM, Arab League, OIC etc
19. 3 years (1958-1961)
20. A horizontal tricolor of red, white, & black; charged with 2 green stars at centre.
21. Yom Kippur War was a war fought by the coalition of Arab States led by Egypt & Syria against Israel from 6 to 25 October 1973.
22. Hezbollah (Party of Allah) is a shia Islamic militant group & political party based in Lebanon. Its strong in Syria.
23. ISIL = Islamic State of Iraq & the Levant, ISIS = Islamic State of Iraq & Syria
24. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
26. In 2011
27. Initially, lack of freedoms and economic woes fuelled resentment of the Syrian government, and public anger was inflamed by the harsh crackdown on protesters. Successful uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt energised and gave hope to Syrian pro-democracy activists. Many Islamist movements were also strongly opposed to the Assads' rule. In 1982, Bashar's father, Hafez al-Assad, ordered a military crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood in Hama, which killed between 10,000-40,000 people and flattened much of the city. Although the initial protests in 2011 were mostly non-sectarian, armed conflict led to the emergence of starker sectarian divisions. Minority religious groups tend to support the Assad government, while the overwhelming majority of opposition fighters are Sunni Muslims. Most Syrians are Sunni Muslims, but Syria's security establishment has long been dominated by members of the Alawite sect, of which Assad is a member.


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